Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Hope, KY

It feels good to go on a personal retreat and go back to the place where my conversion happened! Yup, that's right, New Hope, KY. I came down to KY for the Ignite Your Torch Youth Conference. http://www.igniteyourtorch.org/

But, with things going the way they were back home, I decided to come down a few days early to the place that I met God! I surprised my great aunt, everyone knew I was coming but her. She loved it!

I have been staying in the retreat center for the past 2 nights, but tonight they are giving me the boot. They are moving me to the rectory (since there is no priest at the community anymore). So tonight I will be in the rectory, and tomorrow Fr. Anthony will be here from Texas with his youth group for the conference. So the youth will stay in the retreat center, and I will be with Fr. Anthony in the rectory.

I am really excited about this, because I have been wanting to talk to Fr. Anthony for about 8 months, and now is my chance!

Well, I must go. But more to come later. For those of you who haven't heard of Ignite Your Torch, you better come next year!!!

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