Monday, March 30, 2009

Encounter With Christ 165!!!

Well, I am now on my 4th day!

I have been on a retreat called "Encounter With Christ" from last Thursday-Sunday. And what an experience!

From the time I first got there, you could really feel the presence of the Lord! I made a lot of great Catholic friends (something you really need while attending Liberty).

There were a lot of great talks given, games played, inside jokes, and great friendships made. The first night I was there, I joked around about how I can't sleep unless someone tucks me in, and before I knew it, one of the guys from Radford (Matt) came over and tucked me in. I'm not going to lie, I was a little freaked out at first because I didn't think anyone would do it, but, that became the start of a great friendship!

I became very close with my group (Fr. G's Animal Farm) as we would reflect and talk with each other about what was on our minds.

We performed a few skits, went to Mass, had Morning and Evening Prayer, Confession and time for silent reflection.

There really isn't much more I can say about this, except that I was able to meet Christ through all of these great Catholic Students! I really needed this weekend, and I didn't know how much I needed it, until I got back to Liberty!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that weekend was a experience for everyone. We are all different in so many ways, but yet over a period of 4 days, God was able to create such good friendships. I truly have never been as close to God as I had this weekend. It was incredible!